Thanks to Shelvin Kraemer for this report on the Provincial Day in KZN

We played our January game at Kloof country club yesterday morning.
We had a very small field as many of the players were unavailable, so we only had one four ball including the following players: Ian Gielink, Emil Maehler, Andrew Boltman & myself.

We were lucky to get an early tee time yesterday morning, as the club was actually hosting their club champs on the same day. We decided to play Kloof early as we believed it would be cooler than any of the courses on the coast and it turned out to be a perfect day for golf. We had a great time with lots of laughs and fun had by all.
The results for the day were as follows:
First place to Shelvin Kraemer with a gross of 97 & 36 points.
Second place to Andrew with a gross of 85 and 32 points.
Third place to Emil with a gross of 110 and 21 points.
Fourth place to Ian with a gross of 110 and 20 points.
Lily, I wanted to once again thank you, the KZNGU and all of our sponsors for making these golf days possible for us, because without your support this would never happen and we are truly grateful for everything you do.