Thanks to Ignation Jochims for the report on the Provincial Day at Steenberg Golf Club

First of all thank you to Steenberg Golf course for the lovely day and the hospitality. Thank you very much P Pywell Steenberg Golf Club for arranging free carts for our disabled players as well as the special rates. This is a tremendous help to the SADGA.
It was great to see a full field playing this month.

Special thanks to WP Nomads for supporting and contributing to this day and for everything you are doing for the SADGA. Thank you and hope to see a lot more players to join us at our Provincial Day.
Thank you to Our Director Craig Moorgas and his wife, Linda, for helping the Academy Team at this day.
Thank you to all players for coming out to play.
To the SADGA Academy – you guys just get better to work with well done !
Winners Of Day
1st Lance Du Toit-34
2nd Riaan Spreeth-34 C/out
3rd Ignation Douries
1st Albie Louw -30
Abled Bodies
1st Shahiem Martinus – 38
2nd Henry Voight – 33