SADGA Ruck and Mall Golf Day

What an awesome day for all at the SADGA Ruck and Mall Golf Day.
Boiling and windy conditions at Devonvale Golf & Wine Estate did not stop our golfers from having a great day especially when Richard Sterne came out to motivate and inspire our golfers.
The golf was followed by a visit to the Ultimate Rugby Experience where the largest private rugby collection resides. The delicious dinner was sponsored by the Ruck & Maul Restaurant in the museum.

Winners of the day
1st – Brandon Shaws Team
2nd – NOMADs
3rd – West Coast Paper Traders
4th – SADGA
5th – Dudley Annenbergs Team
Longest Drive
1st – Jamee Mehleweni
10th – Tony Bailey
15th & 7th – Daren Hanekom
Nearest to the Pin
16th – Lance Van Niekerk
13th – Brandon Shaw
9th – Morne Cronje
This day would not have been possible without the generous support of…..
Ultimate Rugby Experience
Devonvale Golf & Wine Estate
Canon South Africa
Dr. Andre Adewaal
West Coast Paper Traders (PTY) Ltd
Olympia Paints
Dudley Annenberg
Ronain Investments
DJO Global
Boland Nomads
Nooitgedacht Investment Holdings
Ryan Coldman
Koelplak Developments