Roberts Takes First Step Towards PGA Degree

Curtley Roberts took the first step on his journey to becoming a PGA professional after passing the PGA Grow Golf Coaches certificate.
The multi-faced nature of the Grow Golf Coaches certificate instils key skills in those who study toward the certificate. Aspiring PGA professionals gain a deeper understanding of children’s development and are required to plan and evaluate a coaching session. Roberts expressed his gratitude to his mentor professional,Elsabe Hefer of Zwartkop Country Club for preparing him well for the examination.
“Elsabe is a great mentor. She really helped me in depth with all the technical aspects of coaching children and to make it fun for them,” he said.
Roberts explained that the course teaches coaches how to mould well-rounded sportspeople. 
“Our main objective with kids is not only to make them golfers but long-term athletes.” 
Roberts also expressed his thanks to the SADGA for affording him the opportunity to pursue his PGA degree.
“It was an absolute privilege to do the PGA Growth Course. Thank you to SADGA for giving me the opportunity to do it. It was a humbling experience to coach children with all of their enthusiasm and excitement,” Roberts concluded.
Well done, Curtley! Everyone at the SADGA is incredibly proud of your achievement and we’ll be watching your progress towards your PGA with keen interest. 
Written and released by Craig Stirton on behalf of the South African Disabled Golf Association.
Photo: Suppllied
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Media enquiries, please contact
Media Liaison
Craig Stirton
t. +83 384 6889
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Lily Reich
t. +27 (0)82 888 9888 / +27 (0) 21 685 2955