Report: March Gauteng Provincial Day

Thanks to Jodi Schultz for this report on the March Gauteng Provincial Day which was held at Modderfontein Golf Club.


Warm weather welcomed us with open arms knowing that the boys had played their league round at Blue Valley and won, convincingly I might add.


In its entirety the day played hot, hard and long as can be seen in the scores with the winning scores at Provincial Days generally reaching the low to mid-forties. The best player played one over his handicap racking up 35 Points this all while training and mentoring the FSP kids Jo-liam and Kwazi.


Although the day was long for most, Jo-liam loved it so much that we will see him returning to ERPM to swing the “sticks’ again with the fat faithful Pd crowd. All in all, everyone enjoyed the day and the gracious host Modderfontein can’t be faulted for offering a testing game.


Thank you to the Modderfontein staffers that hosted us and the green keepers that created a test that will be long-remembered.

As mentioned Curtley Roberts held off the field by playing one over his handicap all the while training and mentoring the FSP Kids (true PGA player in the making!). Well done also to Jabu Price Moorwho kept his wits about him and held it together with a 2 over 34 Point for 2nd place.


Jontey Kotze also proved he was a force to be reckoned with, as he to played a league match the morning of, and clearly keeping up with the winning league momentum managed to secure himself 35 points. I told you in a report when he started his golfing career to watch out for the junior you would not see him coming, and now look… well need I say more? Jong “mot” sprey mooi sy vlerke.


Looking forward to seeing you all swinging at ERPM on the 11th…


Physically-Disabled Winners

1st Curtley Roberts (35 points)

2nd Jabu Price Moor (34 points)

3rd Jontey Kotze (33 points)


Deaf Winners


1st Mark Goldin (28 points)


Able-bodied winners


1st Jonty Weidemann (36 points)

2nd Ferdi du Plessis (33 points)

3rd Pieter Smit (33 points)