Provincial Day – Bloemfontein Golf Club

VI Golfer, Koos Bierman and FSP Coach, Terence Salo organized the 2nd provincial golf day for disabled golfers in Bloemfontein at the Bloemfontein Golf Club on 29 October 2017. The South African Society of Physiotherapy (SASP) Free State branch assisted with the organizing of the event and was the main sponsor for the day.
16 Enthusiastic players teed off in a strong wind. The field consisted of 4 disabled golfers, representatives of the Free State Golf Union (FSGU), representatives of the Nomads, representatives of the SASP and members of the public. At the 16th hole the able bodied players were challenged to play with a simulated disability. They had to play from the tee standing on one leg, using only one arm or blindfolded.

The winner of the day was FSP Enrique van Wyk with 40 individual stable ford points. Well Done Enrique !!!! Enrique played with Alec Levin, the president of the Free State Golf Union and Quinton Williams, the owner of the golf academy.
Two professional golfers, Matias Calderón and MJ Viljoen, both currently playing on the Sunshine Tour also participated in the day. “We were impressed with the quality of golf played by the disabled players and will love to play in future events’
The main goal of the day was to raise awareness of disabled golf and for able bodied players to play with disabled golfers.
SADGA would like to thank the South African Society of Physiotherapy for supporting this provincial day and look forward to future network opportunities with your company.