On Thursday 21st May the SADGA team took the NOMADs FSP Road Show to Pretoria School.
The 300+ children were divided into groups of 40-60 children who were welcomed by Eugene and then taken through a series of fun and games on the school field led by SADGA FSP Coach Andrew Corthing.
The purpose of our course was a combination of SNAG equipment ,LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) and golf specific . To create eye ball co-ordination, body movement skills for Golf specific, as well as creating a competition environment and giving the kids a feeling of confidence, and a feeling that they can have fun and have structure at the same time. In all the stations the children were encouraged to cheer their team mates on which made for a very noisy roadshow of children having fun.
The big challenge for us as SADGA was to show to them , being in a wheelchair doesn’t mean you can’t be physical!
To end off the training ….a chipping show where the Reinard (our world one-armed champion) and Daniel (bionic man & SA Champ) chipped to a target basket with the children cheering them on.
Daniel Slabbert will be returning weekly to the school to run FSP sessions with the children who are interested in golf. Any of the children that show talent will be taken to Zwartkop CC for lessons under Elsabe Hefer and her team. Jo-Liam Momberg has already been identified as a talented golfer and is attending sessions with Elsabe.
Huge thanks to our team who inspired the children and made sure that they had the best time ever ….. Andrew Corthing, Daniel Slabbert, Reinard Schuhknect, Byron Calvert, Isaac and Oupa Alan
Click on this link to see a short video of the day: http://youtu.be/YuoYK3qxHdE