Interschools Invitation

“What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desires, you can achieve.”
– Norman Vincent Peale

There is probably nothing more rewarding than to see a child, bold enough to believe, achieve what few imagined was possible. This year, Canon and the South African Disabled Golf Association’s First Swing Programme will give young disabled children an opportunity to participate in the First Swing Western Province Inter Schools golf tournament. They will have the opportunity to pit their skills against other emerging golfers who too have overcome disability.

The participating schools are Filia, Eros, Thembalethu and Astra from Cape Town, Eden from Worcestor and Carpe Diem from George. All of the participants have participated in SADGA’s First Swing Programme which works to develop skills and inculcate a passion for golf amongst young school children with disabilities. All of the young competitors are level 2 and 3 golfers on the First Swing Programme and are able to play four to nine holes of regular golf.

These are children who have showed dedication, commitment and passion to learn, to try, and to never give up on their dreams of playing a sport. We would like to invite you to this auspicious event and join us in celebrating their tremendous achievements.

Venue:     King David Mowbray GC
Date:        19 October 2016
Time:       10:00am – 13:30pm
RSVP:       Lily Reich on 082 888 9888 or