CGGU central to SADGA Gauteng success

The Central Gauteng Golf Union has been integral to the different facets of golf for the disabled continuing to flourish in the Gauteng region.

The First Swing Program in Central Gauteng is fully-funded by the Central Gauteng Golf Union which has allowed FSP Ambassador Kelvin van Baalen to spearhead the therapeutic coaching sessions at WestRand School which caters for children with severe physical disabilities.

On the Deaf front meanwhile Mark Maconochie heads up the Deaf Rookie program at St Vincent while the Elite golfers receive coaching from Francesca Cuturi at Wanderers Golf Club.

Furthermore, the success of the First Swing Program in Central Gauteng has been aided in recent years by the instalment of modified golf environments at St Vincent School and WestRand respectively. Such environments have allowed the FSP golfers to hone valuable golf and life skills which have set them up for success on and off the golf course.

SADGA Chairman Enver Hassen remarked that Central Gauteng’s contribution to golf for the disabled is commendable and expressed the hope that the SADGA/CGGU partnership will continue long into the future.

“We are indebted to the Central Gauteng Golf Union for their continued willingness to improve the resources available to us and our overall First Swing Program offering in the region,” said Hassen.

“I speak for everyone at the SADGA when I say Central Gauteng’s commitment to providing career opportunities for our golfers with a disability in both coaching and mentoring capacities is incredibly commendable and worthwhile.

“We look forward to our wonderful partnership with this fantastic union going from strength to strength in the months and years to come,” Hassen concluded.

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Media enquiries, please contact

Media Liaison

Craig Stirton

  1. +27 (0) 83 384 6889



SADGA office

Lily Reich

  1. +27 (0)82 888 9888 / +27 (0) 21 685 2955
